September 11th, 2024 + comparing LLMs


After heading over to Chatbot Arena, and entering the following prompt, there will be a wait of a couple of seconds and two interesting results.

Two results that give answes and raise questions at the same time.


1. Ur and the Cradle of Civilization in Sumer

2. Memphis and Ancient Egypt

3. Luoyang and Ancient China

4. Mohenjo-daro and Ancient India

5. Babylon and Ancient Mesopotamia

6. Jerusalem and Ancient Israel

7. Persepolis and Ancient Persia

8. Athens and Ancient Greece

9. Rome and the Roman Empire

10. Xi'an and Han China

11. Patna and the Golden Age of India

12. Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire

13. Mecca and the Birth of Islam

14. Baghdad and the Islamic Golden Age

15. Central Europe and the Holy Roman Empire

16. Karakorum and the Mongol Empire

17. Florence and the Italian Renaissance

18. Western Europe and the Northern Renaissance

19. Madrid and the Age of Discovery

20. Paris and the Age of Enlightenment

21. London and the First Industrial Revolution

22. New England and the Second Industrial Revolution

23. Berlin and the Modernist Movement

24. Moscow and the Soviet Union

25. New York and the American Dream

26. Tokyo and the Japanese Miracle

27. Silicon Valley and the Digital Age


Please give me a markup table describing each epoch of human development and world history




One example, Gemini-test, went beyond my expectations recently, grouping the 27 epochs from the original prompt into seven accurately fitting time periods of human history:


Epoch Location(s) Key Features Technological Innovations Social & Political Structures Cultural & Intellectual Developments
Neolithic Revolution & Rise of Civilizations

(c. 10,000-3000 BCE)

Ur (Sumer), Memphis (Egypt), Mohenjo-daro (Indus Valley) Agriculture, Sedentary lifestyle, Urbanization, Specialization of labor Irrigation, Pottery, Wheel, Metallurgy (Bronze) City-states, Theocracies, Social hierarchies, Early writing systems Polytheistic religions, Monumental architecture, Development of mathematics and astronomy
Ancient Empires

(c. 3000-500 BCE)

Babylon (Mesopotamia), Jerusalem (Isreal), Persepolis (Persia), Luoyang (China) Large, centralized empires, Expansionist policies, Complex bureaucracies Iron tools and weapons, Chariots, Road systems Absolute monarchies, Imperial administrations, Codified laws, Slavery Development of ethical systems (Zoroastrianism, Confucianism), Epic literature, Advanced art and architecture
Classical Antiquity

(c. 500 BCE - 500 CE)

Athens (Greece), Rome (Roman Empire), Patna (India), Xi'an (Han China) Rise of democracy, Republic, and philosophical thought, Golden ages of art and literature Advanced engineering (aqueducts, roads, concrete), Shipbuilding, Military technology Democratic and Republican governments, Complex legal systems, Expansion of trade networks Philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), Drama, History writing, Scientific advancements
Medieval Period

(c. 500-1500 CE)

Constantinople (Byzantine Empire), Mecca (Islam), Baghdad (Islamic Golden Age), Central Europe (Holy Roman Empire), Karakorum (Mongol Empire) Rise of major religions (Christianity, Islam), Feudalism, Decentralized political power Gunpowder, Printing press, Improved agricultural techniques Feudal system, Monastic orders, Crusades, Rise of powerful kingdoms Religious dogma, Gothic architecture, Scholasticism, Medieval literature
Early Modern Period

(c. 1500-1800 CE)

Florence (Italian Renaissance), Western Europe (Northern Renaissance), Madrid (Age of Discovery), Paris (Age of Enlightenment) Rediscovery of classical learning, Scientific revolution, Exploration and colonization, Rise of nation-states Printing press, Telescope, Navigation instruments, Firearms Absolute monarchies, Mercantilism, Colonial empires, Rise of the middle class Humanism, Scientific method, Baroque art, Enlightenment philosophy
Industrial Revolution & Modernity

(c. 1800-1945 CE)

London (First Industrial Revolution), New England (Second Industrial Revolution), Berlin (Modernist Movement), Moscow (Soviet Union) Industrialization, Urbanization, Mass production, Rise of capitalism and socialism Steam engine, Electricity, Internal combustion engine, Telegraph, Telephone Constitutional monarchies, Republics, Democracies, Totalitarian regimes Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Modernism, Scientific advancements, Rise of mass media
Contemporary Era

(c. 1945-Present)

New York (American Dream), Tokyo (Japanese Miracle), Silicon Valley (Digital Age) Globalization, Technological advancements, Cold War, Decolonization, Postmodernism Nuclear weapons, Computers, Internet, Space exploration, Biotechnology Democracies, International organizations, Global capitalism, Rise of multinational corporations Postmodernism, Consumer culture, Digital revolution, Global interconnectedness



The example raises a couple of questions. To me two questions stand out:

- Where do facts live in LLMs ?

- Will scaling of LLMs lead to AGI ?